Basic Architectural Services

Normally includes structural engineering services. Mechanical, electrical, site engineering, landscape architecture and interior design services are encouraged as appropriate.

Phases of Architectural Services

  • Schematic Design/Design Development
  • Construction Documents
  • Bidding or Negotiation with contractors
  • Construction Phase: Administration of the Construction Contract

Other Services Offered

  • Building Evaluations
  • Feasibility Studies
  • Historic Renovation
  • Site Planning
  • Space Planning
  • Interior Design Services
  • Design-Build Services
  • Construction Management Services

Working with selected consultants we can provide all or any portion of these services. Our consultants offer special training and expertise in the fields of Structural Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Landscape Architecture, Interior Design, and Site Engineering. All project partners meet the highest professional standards in their field.


Professional Fees

Dependent on the extent of services to be provided. For basic architectural services, fees are normally presented as a (not-to-exceed) stipulated sum. Fees are invoiced according to the office’s hourly/rate schedule as our work progresses.

Explanation of the Phases of our Work

(services provided are flexible and could incorporate all or part of the following)

  •  Schematic Design: After mutual review of the requirements of the project we provide a preliminary evaluation of the program, schedule, and construction budget as well as schematic (conceptual) design documents illustrating the scale and relationship of project components.
  • Design Development: Providing preliminary drawings and specifications to fix and describe the size and character of the project as to architectural, structural, mechanical and electrical systems, and materials as well as an update on the estimate of construction cost. *We recommend getting preliminary budget pricing during this phase.*

  • Construction Documents: Providing drawings and specifications setting forth in detail the requirements for the construction of the project. Assisting the owner in the preparation of bidding information and the form of agreement between the owner and the contractor.

  • Bidding and Negotiation: Assisting the owner in obtaining bids or negotiated proposals and in awarding and preparing contracts for construction.

  • Construction Phase: Administration of the Construction Contract: Being the representative of and advisor to the owner during the construction period by providing regular site visits to review the progress of the work. Reviewing and certifying the amounts due the contractor; providing for the preparation and review of change orders; and the preparation and proper execution of the punch list at the completion of the project.